Board member

Rita Gsenger

Weizenbaum Institut - Berlin

Associate Researcher at Weizenbaum Institute and PhD Candidate of Communication Science at Freie Universität Berlin

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Board member

Biography by Rita Gsenger

As someone with an interdisciplinary background and now working in the intersection of communication science and legal studies, I often find the need for greater collaboration.

Legal studies could benefit from the empirical methods of other disciplines, like social sciences or psychology, to make regulations more evidence-based. On the other hand, the social
sciences require a better understanding of legal provisions. Therefore, I aim to facilitate communication and collaboration between legal studies and other
disciplines and encourage more multi-disciplinary openness. In addition, I strongly believe in supporting early-career researchers, especially since the academic world can be quite challenging. Initially, it may be difficult to establish connections and navigate through the system. Therefore, I would be honoured to represent an early-career perspective on the board and to organize workshops and events for early-career researchers.

These events could be held during the ESELS conference or summer schools and could be facilitated by experts or volunteers who have already advanced in their careers. Topics such as managing a large project (such as a PhD), finding a foothold in academia, and time management could be covered to provide support to these researchers.