The Law of the Future

Submission ESELS Toulouse 2025

Welcome to the submission page for our Toulouse Conference, 19-20 June 2025, hosted by the Université Toulouse Capitole. This university provides an excellent venue to showcase the importance of empirical thinking in both the history and future of the law.

Taking place in a vibrant student city with a rich historical culture, our conference hosts key notes of highly renowned empirical-legal scholars (more details to be published soon).

Our highly successful previous conferences in Warsaw and Elche attracted scholars from all across Europe and beyond working in the field of Empirical Legal Studies.

We welcome both pre-arranged panels and individual submissions, full papers and structured abstracts, employing quantitative/qualitative or mixed methods and with implications relevant for European legal scholars and the future of the law (deadline submissions: 15 February 2025).

Especially early-career scholars are warmly invited to submit and be nominated for our ESELS Annual Young Scholar Recognition 2025.

Registration for our pre-conference workshops (18 June) is already open, conference registration follows soon.


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Name conference presenter
Type of submission
We encourage submitting panels composed of scholars from different European countries and regions. For submitting a pre-arranged panel please upload 4-5 submissions.
Type of work
We invite empirical-legal work relevant to a European audience of legal scholars. Presenters in their final (writing) stages can submit a draft or publishable paper as attachment, while presenters in earlier research stages are encouraged to submit a structured abstract (see entry form).