ESELS Newsletter September 2024

In this second edition, we take a look back at our successful ESELS 2024 Annual Conference in Elche, and we also look forward to our upcoming Annual Conference at the University of Toulouse (France)

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ESELS Newsletter September 2024

Welcome to the ESELS newsletter of September 2024!

In this second edition, we take a look back at our very successful ESELS 2024 Annual Conference in Elche.

We also look forward to our upcoming Annual Conferences at the University of Toulouse (France) in 2025 and the University of Ljubljana (Slovenia) in 2026. (Keep an eye out for our call for abstracts in early 2025!)

We are also happy to share the results of the 2024 elections that took place during the Annual Conference in Elche. Moreover, the Board has launched a call for proposals by ESELS members for ESELS working groups.

Finally, Gaspar Dugac and Tilmann Altwicker (University of Zürich) shed light on the phenomenon of Large Language Models and potential role for empirical legal studies.

Happy reading!

ESELS Newsletter September 2024