Keynote Elche 2024: Juan S. Mora-Sanguinetti

There is a broad social debate on how to achieve more environmentally sustainable growth, how to make labor markets more egalitarian and how to achieve greater equality in women's access to jobs

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Elche 20-21 June 2024

Constructing new indicators of regulatory complexity: the impacts of anti-discrimination legislation and “green regulation”

There is a broad social debate on how to achieve more environmentally sustainable growth, how to make labor markets more egalitarian and how to achieve greater equality in women’s access to job opportunities. One question to be resolved and analyzed is whether the strategies implemented by administrations through regulation are responding to this social debate and whether they are being effective.

Thanks to the digitization of the texts of the regulations adopted for different countries, such as Spain or France, as well as the use of “textual analysis” techniques, we can map the legislation and generate objective indicators (at national or regional level) of the evolution of these issues in the regulations. The indicators show an increase in regulation over the last decades and a high heterogeneity between countries and regions. Among other results, we identify 3,482 regulations related to renewable energies since 2000 in Spain or 11,228 (only at regional level) in the case of anti-discrimination regulations (since 1996).

These indicators of regulation (and regulatory complexity) can be used to understand their economic or social impacts through econometric models.

Are you interested in attending the keynote by Juan S. Mora-Sanguinetti during our Annual Conference? Please register on our website.