ESELS pre-conference workshop

Interviewing for Legal Research


Do you want to know more about conducting scientific interviews as part of your legal research? Think about the basics of how to set up, conduct, analyze, code and report your interviews, as well as ethical considerations to consider when interviewing.

And do you want to know more about theoretical perspectives behind interviewing as an empirical method? And also obtain more practical experience in interviewing and interview techniques yourself?

Then register for our two-hour hands-on, interactive pre-conference workshop on how to conduct scientific interviews for legal scholars.

In this crash course we’ll offer practical information about how to interview, good practices and pitfalls, and there will be several opportunities to interactively practice your interview skills with fellow participants.



Date: Wednesday 18 June 2025, 14:00-17:00

Location: Université Toulouse Capitole (details follow)

Level: All levels (beginner – advanced)

Method: Qualitative

Prerequisite: No prior knowledge is required

Instructors: Erik Wesselius & Kyra Wigard

Max. registrations: 24 (full is full)

Free of charge (please notify in advance when not coming, so others can register)


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