Elche 20-21 June 2024
Constructing new indicators of regulatory complexity: the impacts of anti-discrimination legislation and “green regulation”
There is a broad social debate on how to achieve more environmentally sustainable growth, how to make labor markets more egalitarian and how to achieve greater equality in women’s access to job opportunities. One question to be resolved and analyzed is whether the strategies implemented by administrations through regulation are responding to this social debate and whether they are being effective.
Thanks to the digitization of the texts of the regulations adopted for different countries, such as Spain or France, as well as the use of “textual analysis” techniques, we can map the legislation and generate objective indicators (at national or regional level) of the evolution of these issues in the regulations. The indicators show an increase in regulation over the last decades and a high heterogeneity between countries and regions. Among other results, we identify 3,482 regulations related to renewable energies since 2000 in Spain or 11,228 (only at regional level) in the case of anti-discrimination regulations (since 1996).
These indicators of regulation (and regulatory complexity) can be used to understand their economic or social impacts through econometric models.
Are you interested in attending the keynote by Juan S. Mora-Sanguinetti during our Annual Conference? Please register on our website.
Elche 20-21 June 2024
Doing justice after atrocities – a case study of Bosnia and Herzegovina
In the aftermath of the war in Bosnia and Herzegovina in the 1990’s criminal law and prosecutions were considered the main and the most appropriate response to widespread atrocities committed during the conflict. Criminal law was seen not only as a reactive tool for punishing individuals but also as a panacea for broader political and societal issues considered at the roots of large-scale violence and crimes. Hopes and aspirations of justice advocates were running high.
Thirty years and hundreds of international and national prosecutions on, the time is ripe to critically evaluate the empirical reality of ‘doing justice after atrocities’ in Bosnia. Was justice done and seen to be done? Based on existing legal empirical research this keynote will explore sobering realities of atrocity prosecutions and punishment in Bosnia and Herzegovina and critically assess and discuss criminal law as a tool of reacting to and preventing atrocity crimes.
Are you interested in attending the keynote by Barbora Holá during our Annual Conference? And to attend the keynote by Mathias Siems? Please register here.
Elche 20-21 June 2024
European Studies in Empirical Comparative Law
This keynote discusses the possibilities and challenges of European scholarship on empirical comparative law, that is, research at the intersection of empirical and comparative law studies.
It shows that, while empirical legal studies in Europe lag behind developments in the US, empirical comparative law has already achieved some prominence in Europe. Based on content analysis of law journals and working papers, it provides descriptive data on the transatlantic divide in empirical legal studies and comparative law, as well as on the use of empirical comparative law. In conclusion, empirical comparative law should become an important element of empirical legal studies in Europe, although some hurdles still need to be overcome.
Are you interested in attending the keynote by Mathias Siems during our Annual Conference? Please register on our website.
Toulouse 10-18 June 2024
Summer School Artificial Intelligence & Quantitative Methods for Empirical Legal Studies
Aimed at legal scholars and Phd students in law, its objective is to give them the ability to develop an empirical research project in the field of law. The summer school provides accessible training in empirical legal research methods, taught by two internationally renowned researchers: the lessons will be taught in pairs by Prof. Arthur Dyevre (KU Leuven University, Belgium) and Prof. Gijs van Dijck (Maastricht University, Netherlands).
For more information see:
ESELS Annual Conference
Conference Program Elche 2024
The European Society for Empirical Legal Studies proudly presents its preliminary program for the upcoming annual Conference in the beautiful city of Elche, hosted by the Universidad Miguel Hernández, 20-21 June 2024.
Commencing with a welcome reception on Wednesday 19 June at 18:00, the Conference provides a unique setting to learn about the state-of-the-art of empirical legal studies in Europe, with over 100 presentations from international and European empirical legal scholars, as well as the opportunity to attend keynotes by internationally renowned scholars in the field (see here).
All taking place in the city of Elche, located in the beautiful Costa Blanca of the province of Alicante, having an impressive historical heritage, a unique natural environment and a rich culture.
To see our Conference program, please click here: ESELS programme Conference Elche 2024.
We are very much looking forward to seeing you in Elche!
February 2024
ESELS Newsletter
Welcome to the ESELS bi-annual newsletter
As of 2024, the European Society for Empirical Legal Studies publishes its
newsletter twice a year. The aim is to inform ESELS members about the
Society’s activities and conferences as well as highlight the work of ESELS
In this first edition, we introduce a new candidate for at-large board member
and a candidate for ESELS President. We also highlight the launch of the
European Journal for Empirical Legal Studies and look forward to the ESELS 2024 Annual
Conference in Elche.
Finally, Julien Bétaille (Associate Professor, Toulouse
Capitole University Law School and Member of the Institut universitaire de
France) sheds a light on the critical role of empirical research in
environmental law.
Happy reading!
ESELS Conference Elche 20-21 June 2024: Call for abstracts
For the ESELS conference in Elche on 20-21 June 2024 structured abstracts can from now on be submitted on the ESELS conference page.